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healing healing – In The Wright Direction

Tag: healing

Faith to touch Jesus!

“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

We don’t know her name.  The woman who touched the hem of Jesus’ robe and was healed had just a brief encounter with Him that day so long ago.  Thankfully, a brief encounter with the Savior is all that’s necessary for a change that will last an eternity.

I’ve been thinking about her for months now, wondering what her life must have been like.  It’s hard to comprehend the shame and despair that must have hung on her each day.  She’d been bleeding for 12 years…12 years of being considered unclean.  Unable to attend celebrations, unable to touch or be touched.  She’d been cast aside and overlooked.  I imagine she tried everything only to find the hope that accompanied each new treatment lead to further despair at their failure.  No one could heal her.

No one could heal her except Jesus!

With a touch of faith and the touch of his robe, she was healed.  Not only was she healed but for the first time in a long time, she was noticed!  Oh, how our hearts long to be noticed…to be truly seen and she was.  The one who’d been cast aside stood before the King of Kings and was commended for her faith!

Faith to touch JesusIt was against the law for her to touch anyone and yet she was healed with a touch!

She’d been called unclean but He washed her white as snow!

She’d been isolated from her family but He called her daughter!

The doctors called her hopeless.  He called her healed!

No, I don’t know her name and yet I pray to be like her.  To have faith bold enough to believe against all reason not to.  It took courage for her to approach Jesus that day. It was illegal for her to even be in the crowd but she refused to let anything stop her from reaching out to the Savior.

What’s stopping you?

While Waiting To Be Healed

“But we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”  Romans 5:3-5

Those who know me, know I’ve been praying for a physical healing.  But somewhere along the way, I’ve been given something much better…a spiritual healing.

Seven months ago, I was the healthiest of my adult life.  Working out had become a fun and important part of my day so when I injured my back and needed surgery, it felt like someone slammed on the brakes and placed me on the sidelines of my own life.  Since then, my back has healed right on schedule, but the resulting nerve damage continues to keep me from doing some of the things I love.  I don’t have feeling in a large portion of my left foot so running, jumping and skills that require balance are on hold for now.  Nerves take time to heal and that’s frustrating for this impatient girl to accept.

Sometimes spiritual healing takes time as well but often the healing comes through the waiting process itself.  In my case, I didn’t even realize I needed spiritual healing until God got my attention physically.  He used a difficult time to pull me close and show me what I’d so easily overlooked when everything was going my way.  As crazy as it may sound, I’m actually thankful for my back injury and everything that’s come with it.

God hears and answers our prayers but those answers can be hard to recognize if we don’t ask for grace to see through His perspective.  Blessings often come disguised as setbacks instead of opportunities for growth.  I’d spent the weeks leading up to my injury praying for God to make me a tougher Christian, one who doesn’t give up so easily or back down because I’m afraid I won’t measure up.  Overcoming my physical obstacles with God by my side has done just that; I’m now stronger in every way!

Not only am I stronger, I’m more compassionate, I’m getting more patient (against my will) and I trust God more than ever before.  I’ve seen that regardless of what happens in this life, HE is all I need to get through.  He’s provided all the grace, encouragement and assurance I need and I know He always will.

God takes what we would never choose and turns it into what we would never want to do without!

Don’t get me wrong, I still have the occasional pity party.  I still see my limitations each time I’m faced with something I’m not yet able to do, but those limitations look small next to God’s provision and all He’s teaching me.  God is the Great Physician but we must keep in mind, He is far more interested in healing our hearts for eternity than healing our very temporary bodies.

Whatever you’re struggling with, pray for the grace to see through God’s perspective.  Allow Him to heal you spiritually and use what seems like a setback to make you more like Jesus.  I’d love the chance to pray for you…email or message me and I will do just that!

Thanks for taking the time to read what God has been doing in my life!

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